Vegan Lentil Soup

Use spinach for garnishing as well.
Leftover soup can be used within 5 days.
Frequently asked questions:
What if we use kale instead of spinach?
If you use kale instead of spinach, make sure to cook it for 15 minutes or until tender.
Serving ideas:
Use the bowls for serving.
Add the Fresh chopped spinach over it for garnishing and serve it immediately
Can we change the consistency of the soup?
Yes, you just simply add the water or the vegetable broth in case you don’t want to have a thick soup.
Which lentils are the best for this recipe?
Just simply use a mix of dry lentils, including green, black, and brown. You can use either one type or a mixture of different lentils. Just keep in mind that the whole lentils take a long time to become tender as compared to the split ones.
Nutritional Facts:

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