This is why many people rub an onion slice on the windows of their house

There are two ways to use onion to clean the windows in your home, both of which are effective. Here they are, it’s up to you to choose which one to use:

Half Onion or Onion Slice Method: Cut the onion in half or take a slice and rub it on the windows. This is a great way to remove insect droppings that stick to glass and dry spots that often form. As you continue to scrub, you will notice that the glass will gradually appear cleaner and free of any traces of dirt. To finish the job , take a dry cloth and gently polish the glass . Remove all traces of dirt and polish until no streaks remain. This way, using just an onion or two slices, you can clean an entire door and have it cleaned well;
Onion-in-water method: The onion-in-water method involves cutting an onion in half and placing one of the two in water . Choose a bucket to use for cleaning windows, put some water in it and dip half an onion in it.

Leave the onion in the water for half an hour, then dip a cloth in the water and wipe it on the windows. Remove all dirt, then dry with a clean, soft cloth and make sure no streaks remain.


With this method, there will be no more water stains on the windows and they will stay clean for a very long time. Your windows will be so clean they will be transparent and everything you look through them will be clearer and sharper!

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