Texas Sheet Cake Cookies

These cookies are the best when they have just set so that the center is still soft and fudgy.

Frosting – This homemade frosting recipe is so easy to make and it really takes this sheet cake cookie recipe over the top! In a small sauce pan over medium heat add the sugar, butter, and milk and stir frequently until the butter melts and the mixture begins to boil.

chocolate frosting drizzling from a spoon into a pot.

Let it boil for exactly one minute before removing the pan from the heat and dumping in the chocolate chips! Stir it well until the chocolate chips have melted and the frosting is a smooth consistency.

I think you know what to do next! While it’s still good and hot start pouring the chocolate frosting mixture evenly over each of the sheet cake cookies. Now the hard part: Let the frosted cookies cool for about 30 minutes so the frosting sets before serving!

frosting poured over cookies.

texas sheet cake cookies on white plate.

For the cookies:

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