Pumpkin seed tea treats prostate gastritis and blood vessels

Still, it’s wise not to overdo it if you’re prone to gas.

This action of hers is not manifested if we consume raw pumpkin juice, which, by the way, has quite acceptable taste qualities.

You can prepare a healthy tea from pumpkin seeds.

In addition to helping with an enlarged prostate, the magical liquid also cleanses the blood vessels.

Here’s how to make healthy pumpkin seed tea:

Pour 1 small handful of raw pumpkin seeds into 200 ml. boiling water.

Then let the mixture cool for 15-20 minutes and strain.

It is recommended to drink 1 cup of this tea a day.

It won’t take long for the prostate problems to disappear.

Pumpkin seed tea also effectively lowers blood sugar levels.

The home remedy eliminates the risk of gastritis and cleans the blood vessels.

Also, pumpkin seeds are one of the best and harmless remedies against intestinal parasi

Unlike other means, they do not contain toxic substances and have no side effects.

Against worms, it is necessary to take 75 g of peeled seeds mixed with honey on an empty stomach for 3-4-year-olds, 150 g for 10-year-old children and 250-300 g for adults.

A similar effect is achieved with their regular consumption.

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