Garlic always fresh and intact for a whole year: only chefs know this trick in the kitchen

Garlic can regulate blood pressure and significantly lower cholesterol levels. Thanks to its strong properties, it can detoxify the liver. Often overlooked, it’s one of the most effective ingredients from a nutritional perspective. To unleash all its properties, it’s enough to consume it raw.

Remember, these are just some of the benefits of garlic. This ingredient is a natural antibacterial agent, actually fighting intestinal parasites and strengthening the immune system. Additionally, it’s a natural anti-inflammatory, regulates circulation, and thus prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Peeled Garlic Cloves
During winter, it’s our most important ally, excellent for treating seasonal flu. It’s important to have it at home, not just because we can use it in the kitchen, but also for our well-being. But how can we preserve it? There’s a fantastic remedy: keep garlic in perfect condition for at least a year without ever letting it rot: let’s find out more.

Garlic Intact for a Year: How to Store It

Experienced chefs surely know this method for preserving garlic. First, take half a kilo of garlic cloves and soak them for about an hour in warm water. After drying them, peel them, and you’ll see that they peel easily as the skin has softened.

Next, put all the garlic cloves in a sterilized jar. Then add two tablespoons of coarse salt, about 30 grams. Now, you can add a few spoons of apple cider vinegar, or if you prefer, wine vinegar. This ingredient helps keep the garlic intact.

Peeled Garlic Cloves

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