You’ll be glad you followed this advice when you boil the corn silk and drink the liquid.

To begin with, properly wash any new corn silk to get rid of any dirt or pesticides. Make sure the dried corn silk you want to use is clean and ready to use.

2. Bring the Water to a Boil

Heat 4 cups of water in a medium-sized saucepan until it boils.

3. Include the corn silk.

Add the handful of corn silk to the saucepan once the water reaches a boiling point. After lowering the heat, simmer it for ten to fifteen minutes. This permits the water to absorb the advantageous chemicals found in the corn silk.

4. Pour the Tea Through a Strainer

Once simmering, take the saucepan off of the burner and let it to cool a little. After straining the liquid, dispose of the corn silk in a cup or teapot.

5. Optionally add lemon and honey.

If you’d like, you may sweeten the tea with a teaspoon of honey and add a squeeze of lemon juice for taste and vitamin C. Mix thoroughly.

6. Sip and Relish

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