With this remedy, not only will you perfume your home, but the mosquitoes will never come back

1 large lemon;
1 small lemon;
Carnation flowers;
bamboo sticks;
2 white candles.

cloves and lemon

Clove and lemon combine their properties to obtain a unique natural method. Not only an antibacterial action, but also sanitizing , repellent and excellent for scenting the whole house. The cloves will be inserted inside the lemon pulp, as seen in the photo in order to bring the two ingredients together. And then? The process of creating the homemade method is simple and fun.

Repel mosquitoes and perfume rooms: procedure
The procedure, as shown by industry experts , is as follows:

Take the large lemon and remove its cap so that it rests on the flat surface. It will also be necessary to cut it into two parts;
Insert the cloves into the pulp, covering the entire available surface area on both sides.
Place the two lemons enriched with cloves on the ground. Then take the candles, cut a piece to make them small and insert them into the middle part of the lemon. Immediately after, take the bamboo sticks and place 4 of them on each available piece of lemon.

At this point, the small lemon is cut in half and then added to the structure, as if to form a closing cap.

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