Why put car keys in aluminum foil?

Attempt at remote-controlled car theft. Source: spm

With the advent of contactless keys, criminals have had to adapt by introducing and practicing new car theft techniques. To counter any attempt of this type, there is a tip which may seem confusing at first, as it seems simple and inexpensive.

Simply wrap your car keys in aluminum foil. With the advent of contactless keys, criminals have had to adapt by introducing and practicing new car theft techniques. To counter any attempt of this type, there is a tip which may seem confusing at first, as it seems simple and inexpensive. Simply wrap your car keys in aluminum foil;

More specifically, when your car key emits a radio signal, it generates an electromagnetic field that propagates in all directions. In this case, thieves try to intercept the signal sent by the key by amplifying it and using a transmitter powerful enough to transmit it to the vehicle. The aluminum foil therefore acts as a protective layer which allows it to absorb the signal emitted by your car key and thus prevent hacking and theft attempts.

Aluminium foil. Quelle: pm

Other ways to protect your car from theft attempts
Apart from the aluminum foil trick, you can protect your car in other ways, including

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