Vegetable beef soup

1 medium onion 100 g
1 to 2 stalks of celery 75 g.
2 liters of water°salt


Wash and cut the meat into large (4 cm) pieces. Start by mincing the meat with copper to soften it: put a large pot of water (1/2 liter) on the stove (medium). Add meat to it. Cook on low heat for the first time for an hour.
Then, when all or most of the water has evaporated, add 1/2 liter and let simmer a second time for an hour.
While the meat is cooking, wash and peel all of your vegetables. Then cut it into medium-sized pieces.
When the meat becomes somewhat soft, add the tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots first. Then cover it with 1/2 liter of water.
Cook for 45 minutes.
Then add turnip and cook for 10 minutes. At this point, the water has evaporated a lot.
Then add 1/2 liter of water. Then add the celery, onion, and shallots, and don’t forget to salt the soup. Cook for 20 minutes and you’re ready to go!

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