Vegan Chocolate Mousse

Nutritional Information
Per Serving (Based on 4 servings):

Calories: 350
Total Fat: 25g
Saturated Fat: 18g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 30mg
Total Carbohydrates: 30g
Dietary Fiber: 5g
Sugars: 20g
Protein: 4g
The above nutritional values are approximate and can vary based on the specific brands and quantities used. This mousse is rich in healthy fats from coconut and dark chocolate, providing a satisfying dessert option that is relatively low in sugar compared to traditional mousse recipes.

Tips and Tricks

1. Choosing the Right Coconut Milk: Opt for a high-quality, full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream. Light versions won’t yield the same creamy texture.

2. Melting Chocolate Properly: When melting chocolate, ensure that no water comes into contact with it, as this can cause the chocolate to seize and become grainy.

3. Balancing Sweetness: Adjust the amount of sweetener based on your preference and the sweetness of the chocolate used. Some dark chocolates are naturally sweeter, which may require less additional sweetener.

4. Storage: Store the mousse in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 3 days. For best results, enjoy it within the first two days when the texture is at its best.

5. Variations: Experiment with different flavors by adding a teaspoon of instant coffee granules for a mocha mousse or a splash of peppermint extract for a refreshing twist.


This vegan chocolate mousse is a testament to how luxurious and indulgent vegan desserts can be. It’s a perfect option for dinner parties, family gatherings, or a special treat for yourself. With its rich chocolate flavor and creamy texture, it’s bound to impress even the most skeptical of guests. Whether you’re catering to dietary restrictions or simply exploring plant-based options, this mousse is a delightful addition to your dessert repertoire.

For more delicious vegan recipes and cooking tips, be sure to explore our website. We offer a variety of plant-based dishes that are easy to prepare and full of flavor.

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