Throwing a dishwashing sponge into the washing machine: The magic trick that solves a common problem

– Use a dishwashing sponge to remove pet hair from your washing machine

A dishwashing sponge

To remove hairballs from your washing machine , you can remove them with a dish sponge, preferably new. This trick is very simple. When starting a rinse cycle, place the dishwashing sponge in the drum. At the end of your wash, the hair will stick to the sponge, especially on the abrasive green side.

More tips for removing hair from clothes
Getting rid of pet hair stuck to clothes is not inevitable. Other tricks can help.

– Use white vinegar in your washing machine

White wine vinegar

White vinegar is a real ally when it comes to doing household chores. It is ideal as a replacement for all detergent products and very effective in solving household problems. To avoid clothes becoming full of pet hair after washing, follow these tips: Add about 120 ml of white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment. The acetic acid contained in white vinegar removes all pet hair from the washing machine. Your clothes will be like new again.

– Use dryer balls to catch pet hair from your washing machine

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