This Simple Trick for Cleaning Bathroom Tiles is 100 Times More Powerful Than Chlorine

Keep in mind that if you’re wanting to really get rid of the grime in your grout and tiling edges, a strenuous scrubbing is absolutely necessary to get into the tiny pores of the grout (no matter if you’re using natural products or a chemical product). Heavy scrubbing will also kill the root of the mildew and mold, and remove any lingering soap residue. An old toothbrush or a tough scrubbing pad should work perfectly for this job!

The homemade cleaner below is great because it only requires three cheap ingredients, which you probably have lying around your kitchen anyway. Another great benefit of this cleaner is that it is safe for the environment, and your health.

You will need the following ingredients:

1/2 cup of baking soda

1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide

1/2 cup white vinegar

4 litres of water

optional: 10-20 drops tea tree oil


1. In a large bucket, combine the water and baking soda.

2. Let it dissolve, and little by little, start adding the white vinegar.

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