There are 12 smart ways to keep mice and rats out of your home

Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas prone to rodent activity. Refresh the oil every few days and keep it out of reach of pets.
5. Plant Peppermint:

Grow peppermint plants around your home as a natural deterrent.

6. Cat Litter:

Place used cat litter near potential nesting sites outside. The scent of cat urine acts as a natural predator deterrent.

7. Seal Entry Points:

Fill any holes or entry points with materials like plaster of Paris, cement, steel wool, or copper mesh.

8. Ground Clove Repellent:

Use ground cloves near entry points, refreshing them every couple of days to maintain their effectiveness.

9. Dryer Sheets:

Place dryer sheets in areas where rodents congregate. Their strong scent repels mice and rats.

10. Feline Assistance:

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