The Ultimate Quick Fix: Homemade Pita Bread!

Mixing the Ingredients: Begin by combining sugar, salt, and oil in a large bowl. Add yogurt and warm milk, stirring until the sugar and salt dissolve completely.
Incorporating Flour and Yeast: Next, add the flour and dry yeast to the mixture. Mix until all ingredients are well combined.
Kneading the Dough: Knead the dough for 4-5 minutes until it becomes smooth and pliable, no longer sticking to your hands.
Allowing the Dough to Rise: Cover the dough and let it rise for 20 minutes until it doubles in size.
Rolling and Shaping: After the dough has risen, gently deflate it and transfer it to a floured surface. Divide it into 12 equal parts and shape each into a ball.
Baking: Roll each ball into a small circle using a rolling pin. Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cover with a tea towel. Bake in a preheated oven at 250°C for 6 minutes.
Serving: Once baked, allow the pita bread to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy the warm, fluffy goodness of homemade pita bread!

Rolling and Shaping
Rolling and shaping the dough is a crucial step in achieving the perfect pita bread. Take each portion of dough and gently roll it into a ball between your palms. Then, using a rolling pin, flatten each ball into a smaller circle, ensuring even thickness throughout.

The magic happens in the oven! Preheat your oven to 250°C and place the rolled-out pita bread on a baking tray. After just 6 minutes of baking, you’ll witness these doughy discs transform into golden-brown pockets of deliciousness.


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