The recipe that saved my life 17 years ago: How I defeated a tumor in the liver and colon

15 heads of garlic
15 lemons
500g ground walnuts
500g ground hazelnuts
500g dried figs
500g dried plums (prunes)
500g white grape raisins
500g red grape raisins
500g organic wheat
1kg homemade honey

Wheat Preparation: Soak the wheat overnight, rinse thoroughly, and blend into a paste.

Lemon and Fruit Preparation: Juice 10 lemons and finely grind the remaining 5 with their peel. Chop figs and plums into small pieces.

Combining Ingredients: Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, incorporating the garlic last. Aim for a uniform, dough-like consistency.

Storage: The mixture can be stored in a cool, dry place or refrigerated, typically lasting up to a month.

Understanding and Caution

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