The plant that ‘prays’ for luck and prosperity in your home.

Known as the priest’s plant or praying plant, Maranta is a top pick for adding an element of enchantment to your home. With striking leaf patterns marked by spots or stripes, it brings a distinct decorative flair to any room.

Caring for Your Praying Plant: Simple Yet Essential Tips

Lighting: Maranta thrives in well-lit areas but should be shielded from direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. A spot with bright, indirect light is ideal.

Temperature: The sweet spot for this plant is between 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. Shield it from cold drafts and sudden temperature shifts for optimal growth.

Humidity: Maranta loves a humid environment. Maintain a moist ambiance by placing a damp substrate at the pot’s base or occasionally misting the leaves with filtered water.


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