Begin by peeling the garlic cloves.
Thoroughly wash the lemons. Keep the peel on, but remove the seeds. Cut the lemons into small pieces.
Place the garlic and lemon pieces into a blender. Blend them well.
Transfer the blended mixture into a pot and add 1 liter of water.
Bring the mixture to a boil. Once it reaches boiling point, turn off the heat.
Strain the mixture.
Pour the strained liquid into clean bottles and store them in the refrigerator.
How to Consume:
Consume 50 ml of “The Heart’s Drink” daily, preferably 2 hours before or after your main meal.
Continue this routine for 25 days, followed by a 10-day break.
If needed, the treatment can be resumed after the break. For maximum benefit, it may be repeated for a third cycle, again following a 10-day break.
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