The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies

You’re only as good as your ingredients. We recommend you splurge for all of the ingredients below to ensure you get a gourmet chocolate chip cookie.

Unsalted Butter: Using unsalted butter means that you can fully control the amount of salt going into your cookies and also ensures that it browns evenly. You’ll brown the butter for a nutty, toasty deep flavor as the base for your cookies!
Light Brown Sugar: I like to make chocolate chip cookies with a combination of light brown sugar and granulated sugar. The light brown sugar will keep your cookies soft and chewy and give them that delicious brown sugar-y taste.
Granulated Sugar: A little granulated sugar will give your cookie the perfect amount of crunch on the edges. You get the best of both worlds.
Eggs: Eggs will bind your cookies together. A single egg and one egg yolk will gives these cookies their soft, chewy, not too cakey texture.
Vanilla Extract: Vanilla is so essential to chocolate chip cookies. I know it might seem unimportant because you use a small amount of it, but it will take your cookies to the next level. I highly recommend using a 100% pure vanilla extract if your budget allows. ALDI has a super affordable one, or if you’re down to splurge I love Rodelle!
Flour: All purpose flour is our flour of choice for these chewy cookies. It creates a tender but hearty crumb. Make sure when you are measuring your flour you measure it carefully using a spoon to aerate the flour. We recommend adding the first cup in and then adding the remaining 3/4 cup a little at a time to make sure you’re not adding too much flour! Browned butter evaporates as it browns, meaning that the amount of butter can vary depending on how long you browned it for which can lead to less liquid in your cookie dough. See the directions for more guidance on this!
Baking Soda: A little baking soda will give your cookies the perfect rise and crackle on top. Be sure you’re using baking soda (not baking powder)! I’m lazy so I don’t stir the dry ingredients together in a separate bowl, but I like to add the flour and then the salt and baking soda on top before folding so that the baking soda and salt get incorporated properly!
Chocolate: When it comes to chocolate chip cookies, your chocolate can make or break your cookie. Splurge on a high quality semi sweet or dark chocolate. Milk chocolate is child’s play. So are the store brand chocolate chips. Go for a good bar, chocolate disks, or high quality chocolate chunks. Whatever you choose, use 1 1/2 to 2 cups of it (depending on how chocolatey you like your cookies) and load up your cookie dough for big, melty pools of chocolate throughout your cookie.
Salt: Baked goods NEED salt. Without it they’re just cloyingly sweet. Salt adds that perfectly nuanced salty-sweet flavor that pushes a baked good from good to great.

chocolate chip cookie dough balls

How to make brown butter:

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