The Best Cheesesteak Tortellini in Rich Provolone Sauce

Here’s a breakdown of the essential ingredients:

Cheese Tortellini: Fresh or frozen.
Ribeye Steak: Thinly sliced.
Provolone Cheese: Shredded.
Bell Peppers: Sliced.
Onions: Sliced.
Garlic: Minced.
Butter: For the roux.
Flour: For thickening the sauce.
Milk and Heavy Cream: For the sauce base.
2.2. Optional Additions
Enhance your dish with these optional ingredients:

Mushrooms: For added umami.
Hot Sauce: For a spicy kick.
Fresh Herbs: Such as parsley or basil.
Parmesan Cheese: For extra cheesiness.
2.3. Required Kitchen Tools
To make this dish, gather these tools:

Large Pot: For cooking tortellini.
Skillet: For cooking steak and vegetables.
Saucepan: For making the cheese sauce.
Whisk: For the sauce.
Baking Dish: For final assembly.
Knife and Cutting Board: For prep work.
2.4. Ingredient Substitutions
If you need to substitute ingredients, consider:

Chicken or Turkey: Instead of steak.
Mozzarella or Swiss Cheese: Instead of Provolone.
Gluten-Free Flour: For a gluten-free version.
Almond Milk: Instead of dairy milk for a lighter sauce.
3. Preparing the Tortellini
3.1. Choosing the Right Tortellini
Select cheese-filled tortellini for the best flavor. Both fresh and frozen options work well. Ensure the pasta is of high quality to complement the rich sauce.

3.2. Cooking the Tortellini
Cook the tortellini according to package instructions:

Boil water: In a large pot.
Add salt: Generously to the boiling water.
Cook: Until the tortellini float to the top and are al dente.
3.3. Draining and Setting Aside
Once cooked, drain the tortellini:

Reserve some pasta water: For adjusting the sauce consistency if needed.
Set aside: In a large bowl, toss with a bit of olive oil to prevent sticking.
3.4. Tips for Perfect Tortellini
For perfect tortellini:

Don’t overcook: They should be slightly firm.
Use plenty of water: To prevent sticking.
Rinse lightly: With cold water if not using immediately.
4. Making the Cheesesteak Filling
4.1. Choosing the Meat
Ribeye steak is ideal due to its marbling and tenderness. Alternatively, use sirloin or another tender cut. Thinly slice the meat for quick cooking.

4.2. Cooking the Meat
Cook the steak in a hot skillet:

Heat oil: In the skillet over medium-high heat.
Sear steak: Until browned, about 2-3 minutes per side.
Season: With salt and pepper.
4.3. Preparing the Vegetables

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