The baking powder on laurel trick: old grandma’s technique that doesn’t deserve to be forgotten

Create a powerful all-purpose cleaner by mixing finely ground bay leaf powder with baking soda in equal parts, and add water to form a paste. This natural solution is perfect for cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, and other surfaces throughout your home.

Carpet Odor Remover:
For smelly carpets, a mix of bay leaves and baking soda can be a savior. Sprinkle the blend on the carpet, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up to remove unpleasant odors and leave your carpets smelling fresh and clean.

Natural Degreaser:

A potent natural degreaser can be made from the powerful combination of bay leaves and baking soda. Mix some baking soda with a bay leaf infusion to clean pots, pans, and greasy surfaces. The degreasing properties of bay leaves coupled with the abrasive action of baking soda effectively remove grime and stubborn grease layers.

Freshness for Refrigerators and Cabinets:

To keep your fridge and cabinets fresh, use bay leaves and baking soda. Place a few dried bay leaves in cotton pouches or small open containers, and add some baking soda to enhance the deodorizing effect. This helps absorb odors and keep the spaces smelling pleasant.

Carpet Cleaning:

Mix equal parts of bay leaves and baking soda to clean carpets. Sprinkle the mixture on the carpet, let it work for a while, then vacuum. This solution helps remove stains and odors, leaving carpets fresh and clean.

Natural Insect Repellent:

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