The 3 most effective traps to eliminate ants from your home and balcony forever

Mix 150 ml of vinegar with 150 ml of water. Dip a cloth in the solution and clean all surfaces frequented by ants.

This operation will interrupt the activity of the ants, as it is capable of erasing the traces they follow.

2. Water against ants
Make holes around the anthill or place containers capable of generating a sticky barrier.

To create it, mix soap and water in the container or hole, add a few pieces of lemon or orange peel. This will prevent the ants from moving away from the anthill.

3. Eliminate anthills with rice
Blend 200 grams of brown rice until it becomes powdered. Place it in a perforated plastic bag, then sprinkle a small amount around the anthill.

The goal of this method is to attract ants to bring fragments of rice to the anthill. Over time the rice will dry out and absorb the moisture in the anthill, making it impossible for new ants to hatch.

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