Since I came across this technique, I no longer discard orange peels

The common advice is to consume these vitamin-rich fruits to strengthen our defenses, enjoying them raw or squeezed into a refreshing juice. But the journey doesn’t end with the fruit’s flesh; the peels, too, hold untapped potential. Beyond their usual disposal, orange peels, like their mandarin counterparts, can be repurposed into festive decorations or even enhance our Christmas trees.

Yet, there’s a lesser-known, highly effective use for these peels that many may not be aware of, involving an everyday household item: vinegar. By combining orange peels with vinegar, you create a powerful cleaning solution.

Simply fill a jar with orange peels, cover them completely with vinegar, seal the jar, and let it sit for about two weeks. This process allows the peels to break down, releasing their citrus oils into the vinegar.

After two weeks, strain the mixture to remove the peel bits, then pour the infused vinegar into a spray bottle. This concoction is excellent for tackling stubborn grime on various surfaces, leaving behind a fresh scent and gleaming results, thanks to the essential oils extracted during the process.

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