Rats in the house? 7 Ways to Get Rid of It Once and For All

These are sticky, flat pieces of wood that trap rats until you can remove them. You will have to kill them yourself afterwards. To do this, you can trample him, hit him with something hard. Then throw the corpse in the trash.

Use herbs
In addition to using chemicals, you can use herbs. Rats particularly hate mint and wormwood. You’d better plant these herbs with your neighbors, which will minimize the number of rats in your area. It is also advisable to rub a little peppermint oil or keep fresh mint leaves inside cabinets or drawers to solve localized rat problems.

Keep your house clean
Clean regularly and store food properly to avoid rodents. Store your food as high as possible if possible. Always have a clean apartment or house. Store foods in glass jars or airtight containers for best results.

Block entrances with putty or steel wool
Rats and mice are not capable of chewing these materials. Block all passages from the interior to the exterior of your home with these if the openings are the size of a dime or larger.

Adopt a cat

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