Pancakes Without Sugar and Flour

Chicken fillet (boiled) – 300 g
Onion – 300 g
Salt and pepper – to taste
Dried garlic – 1 tsp.
Chicken broth


Preparing the Dough:
Break the eggs into a blender bowl and add salt. If you want sweet pancakes without using sugar, add a sweetener. Today, I’m making savory pancakes, so I’ll add one teaspoon of sugar to balance the taste.
Add the cream cheese (I use Philadelphia, but any cottage cheese will work) to the blender.
Add half a teaspoon of baking soda (approximately 2 g).
Blend the mixture until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the vegetable oil. Mix well.
Cooking the Pancakes:
Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with odorless vegetable oil.
Pour the dough into the pan and spread it in an even layer.
Cook the pancakes over low heat until they are beautifully golden brown on both sides.
My frying pan has a good coating and a thick bottom with a bottom diameter of 16 cm. I do not recommend using a larger pan, as it will be difficult to flip the pancakes.
This recipe makes about 15-16 pancakes.

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