Nutty Date and Apricot Energy Bites

Suggested Servings

You may eat these energy bits by yourself whenever you want.
For an extra special treat, try them with some hot tea or coffee.
Advantages of Your Diet
You can’t go wrong with pumpkin seeds as an antioxidant, protein, and healthy fat source.
Walnuts are good for your heart because they contain omega-3 fatty acids.
Fruits like apricots and dates are naturally sweet, full of vitamin A and fiber.
Nutritional Data
Both vegans and those avoiding gluten will enjoy this dish.
Swap out the walnuts with other nuts or seeds for a nut-free alternative.

Hints for Storing

Any remaining energy bites may be refrigerated for up to a week if stored in an airtight container.
Frozen, they keep for about a month as well. Do not consume until thawed.
What Makes This Recipe So Delicious
Making these energy snacks is a breeze.
You can’t go wrong with them as a nutritious and filling snack.
You can’t go wrong with a well-rounded energy snack like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

In summary

You may munch on these tasty and nutritious energy pieces with nutty dates and apricots whenever the mood strikes you. They are ideal for when you need a fast pick-me-up since they are simple to create and full of nutrients. Savor these delicious morsels and carry that energy with you all day long!

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