Nutty Date and Apricot Energy Bites

All Things Considered
Ten minutes for preparation
Two hours for freezing
Two and a half hours total.
Recipe Items
Cinnamon seeds, 50 grams
walnuts (75 grams)
Dates weighing 110 grams
dried apricots (75 grams)
Juice from one orange
Twenty grams of sesame seeds

How to Follow?
Cherry and Date Energy Bites with a Crunch.

Get the Nuts and Seeds Ready:
In a skillet over medium heat, fry the pumpkin seeds until they’re just slightly browned. Let sit and cool.
The walnuts should be roasted in the same pan until they start to smell good and become a little brown. Cut them into little pieces when they have cooled.
To make the dates and apricots, first soften them by soaking them in water for 15 minutes. After removing the dates’ stones, coarsely slice them.
Chop the dried apricots into small pieces.
Combine the Substances:
Pulverize or mix the roasted pumpkin seeds, chopped walnuts, chopped dates, and dried apricots. Next, include the zest of the orange.
Combine all of the ingredients and pulse until a dough forms.
Shape the Combination: Working from a clean surface, roll the mixture into a cylinder using your hands. Make sure the mixture stays together by pressing down hard.
The sesame seeds should be gently roasted in a skillet over medium heat before you begin to prepare the coating.
Assemble the Cylinder: Coat the resulting cylinder evenly by rolling it in the toasted sesame seeds.
After coating the cylinder with sesame seeds, chill it in the freezer for at least two hours to solidify the coating.
Cut the cylinder into small pieces and serve after 2 hours of freezing.
Indulge in these tasty and healthy energy snacks made with nutty dates and apricots.

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