Never plug these 9 items into a power strip!

Here’s a list of items that should never be connected to a power strip:

Oven: Due to its high energy consumption, it should always be connected to a separate wall outlet.
Refrigerator: Although it doesn’t consume as much energy as an oven, it’s best to use an extension cable directly with it instead of a power strip due to the constant voltage it requires.
Washing machine and tumble dryer: These appliances consume significant electricity and should be plugged directly into an electrical outlet to prevent overheating or short-circuiting.
Space heaters: These draw a lot of power and should be connected directly to an outlet to avoid overwhelming the power strip.
Microwave: Despite its small size, it still consumes a notable amount of energy annually, so it’s best to avoid using an extension cable with it.
Coffee maker: With its yearly energy use, it’s considered power-hungry and should be connected directly to an outlet.
Toaster: Even though it may seem small, it still consumes a significant amount of power annually and should not be connected to a power strip.
Multiple extensions: Interconnecting extension cables can quickly exceed the power strip’s maximum limit, leading to potential hazards.
Set-top box, desktop, and television: While individually they may not consume much power, any electrical issues can lead to malfunctions, so it’s safer to connect them directly to an outlet unless using a surge protector.

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