My mother-in-law called and said she was coming to visit us. I quickly mixed the 4 available ingredients and poured them down the toilet. It smells like an expensive hotel!

Get a small container. Pour in the vinegar, salt and mix well until the crystals are completely dissolved.
Then mix a pair of salt and vinegar with detergent, you should get a crumbly mass. Mix again. Ready!
To fill your bathroom with freshness, you need to pour the powder into the toilet: try to carefully coat the inside of the bowl. Then clean the toilet thoroughly using a brush. The rest of the home remedy can be used to treat faucets, sinks and tiles.

How to remove limescale
If limescale adds to the odor problem, prepare a mixture of one-third cup baking soda and one-quarter cup citric acid. Pour the powder into the toilet and leave it to act for about half an hour. After this time, simply clean the inside of the toilet.

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