Making Your Own Cleaning Paste: Eliminating Grease and Limescale from Your Kitchen and Bathroom

30 milliliters of baking soda
One tablespoon of white wine vinegar

Follow these steps:

Be prepared with a disposable container, such a plastic one constructed from recyclable materials.

Combine the baking soda and powdered toilet cleaner in a measuring cup and stir in three teaspoons each.

Afterwards, include 6 tablespoons of concentrated dish soap and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is smooth.

Once everything is combined and smooth, add one tablespoon of white wine vinegar.

Transfer the contents to the container and reserve for further use.

Use in Real Life:

Wear protective gloves and apply the paste to surfaces affected by limescale or grease using a sponge. Allowing the paste to sit for a few minutes can enhance its ability to penetrate and remove stains. If the limescale is really stubborn, you may need to let the paste sit for a little. Cleaning hard-to-reach areas could be as easy as using a toothbrush. Finally, wipe off the paste with a clean cloth and give the region a good rinsing with water.

To sum up:

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