Killer Spaghetti: The Pasta Recipe That Amazed Stanley Tucci


14 oz of spaghetti
3/4 cups of tomato puree
1/2 cups of tomato paste
3 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 chili pepper
salt to taste
sugar to taste
8 cups of water (to make tomatoes broth).

To cook the assassin properly you have no choice…you need a large, iron (or cast iron) skillet.

The size is important so that you can accommodate the noodles in their entirety without having to break them up. The material is critical for proper heat distribution.

It should be pointed out, however, that iron pans (the alloy is called carbon steel) if left untreated will behave like steel (stainless) pans, that is, the spaghetti and sauce will stick to the bottom and play havoc with the dish. It is necessary to proceed with seasoning (burning) the pan before use.


Seasoning is defined as creating a “naturally nonstick” coating on the bottom of the pan.

It is achieved by using oil by heating it above the smoke point and waiting for the oil to cure, which will generate the patina.

The Procedure:

Get some oil with a low smoke temperature (e.g., flaxseed oil or extra virgin olive oil).

Place a 1-mm layer of oil on the pan.

On the stove or in the oven heat above 390 F until you see smoke.
Discard excess oil and with a brush/sponge/paper towel brush the oil film onto the bottom of the pan evenly.

Continue to “cook” until the brown layer is obtained and the smoke is exhausted.

If necessary repeat the process.


The first thing to do is to prepare the tomato broth that we will use to cook the pasta.

In a bowl, pour the 8 cups of water and add the tomato paste.

Pour the tomato broth into a pan.

We add a tablespoon of salt, stir and put the pan on the stove over medium heat.

As soon as it starts to boil, our tomato paste broth is ready.

We crush 2 cloves of garlic.

The third clove, on the other hand, we slice finely.

We slice the chili pepper.

In a frying pan (iron is the ideal one), we put extra virgin olive oil.

We brown the garlic and chili pepper.

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