Keep spiders away from your house with a simple trick: they won’t come back

Peppermint oil is one of the products that spiders hate the most. To take advantage of its repellent capacity, it is worth thinking about impregnating it throughout the house to better display its effectiveness. To do this, you add 20 drops of peppermint essential oil to a bucket of water to mop the floor and use it to mop the floor as usual. Of course, you can focus on areas frequented by spiders. You should notice the disappearance of these pests soon enough. For

Eucalyptus essential oil to kill spiders
Likewise, the smell of eucalyptus is simply unbearable for spiders and can make them disappear from your home. To do this, while you take advantage of its wonderful fragrance, add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water in the bucket as you did in the previous solution and then use it to scrub the floor. Aim again at difficult corners to ensure the spiders disappear.

White vinegar to say goodbye to spiders
If vinegar can be very effective as a natural spider repellent, it is because it is made with acetic acid, a substance that spiders cannot tolerate. It is therefore ideal to fight against possible infestations of these arachnids. To use it for this purpose, it will be based on the same principle as for the other solutions, that is, taking advantage of it so that it becomes part of your usual floor washing water. In a medium bucket, put an equal amount of water and vinegar, mix, and then scrub the floor with a mop soaked in the solution. Additionally, if you want to target specific places, you can use the same mixture but through a vaporizing spray.

Remember also that the house should still benefit from regular cleaning and that cobwebs should be removed as soon as they form. Reactive precautions remain the best solutions against pests and other parasites.

Diatomaceous earth, an excellent natural spider repellent

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