I drank parsley tea – I started on Thursday, I had 67 kg, and by Sunday I reached 63 kg.

Six bunches of fresh parsley
Six bunches of mint
One spoonful of crushed wheat (pre-boiled for at least 30 minutes)
One large tomato, diced
Juice of half a lemon
Finely chop the parsley and mint, and blend them with the crushed wheat, diced tomato, and lemon juice. This salad is perfect for any time of the day. For breakfast, accompany it with black coffee and your fruit of choice. At lunch, add lean protein such as chicken, plus another fruit. Come dinner, enjoy it with an egg, some vegetables, and a different fruit.

Option 2: Parsley Infusion Tea
Enhance your weight loss routine with parsley tea:

Combine thirty grams of parsley with a liter of water.
Boil the water, add parsley, and let it steep for around ten minutes.
Strain and savor the tea either warm or chilled.
For optimal results, drink a cup of parsley tea before each main meal over two weeks.

Beyond Weight Loss: The Additional Benefits of Parsley
Parsley is a powerhouse of health benefits:

Parsley is a powerhouse of health benefits:

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