How To Unclog A Sink Using Just 2 Natural Ingredients

How to De-clog a Sink

The kitchen sink in my house, specifically its waste disposal and drain, is notoriously finicky. A more fitting term would be to brand it as a high-maintenance drama queen! I’ve had a few run-ins with clogged pipes over time, so now I tread carefully about what goes down there. Items like rice, eggshell fragments, vegetable peels are all off-limits.


All About Washing Soda

Although washing soda is commonly found in the laundry section of stores, its uses aren’t confined just to your washing machine! Get to know more about washing soda…

A couple of years back, when I was less aware of the temperamental nature of our drain, I unwisely decided to dispose of numerous leftover cilantro stalks via the garbage disposal. (Yes, I acknowledge that was a blunder!) Predictably, the garbage disposal seemed to be functioning but the water simply refused to drain. It seemed like it was enjoying taunting me!

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