How to refresh the room with a bottle of water?

simply fill a bottle with tap water and then put it in the freezer for a few hours. Once the water is completely frozen, take out the bottle and place it at the foot of the bed. It will freshen the air you breathe and help you fall asleep faster. Of course, this is only a short-term solution. This method can be rejected even more optimally using a fan. We give you the details in the next paragraph.

NB : To spend more peaceful nights, experts recommend using the refrigerator to cool your bedding before going to bed. That’s why they advise putting the pillowcase and sheet in the refrigerator for a while before putting them to bed. The cooling effect is instant!

Some interesting variants to cool a room with water

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If you don’t have air conditioning at home, you can use this method to cool the room. On the other hand, to apply it you need to have an ordinary fan . The trick is simple: you have to immerse a cloth or small towel in cold, even ice, water. The ideal is to fill a bowl with water and put some ice cubes in it. Wring out the towel so it’s slightly damp, then place it over the fan. Replace it frequently as it dries. Meanwhile, to further cool the room, hang soaked sheets in front of a window. The air currents will be much cooler and a pleasant breeze will enter the room!

Let’s go back to the famous frozen water bottle trick. This time, instead of just placing it at the foot of the bed, you can put it in front of the fan. This way, during its rotation, it will refresh the room much faster. It is a perfect option for bedrooms, especially before bed. Once the temperature has cooled in the room, you can turn off the fan and then place the bottle on the windowsill to retain freshness for longer.

Some tips to keep your home cooler and cope better with the heat
In summer, it is always better to have light colors on the walls, because they retain less heat, which will maintain pleasant temperatures in the rooms in particular.
It is also advisable to lower the blinds and close the curtains or blinds during the day to avoid the massive intrusion of the sun’s rays and thus keep the rooms cooler.
For those who don’t know, green plants not only purify the surrounding air but also have the ability to refresh rooms. You will only have to spray its leaves or wipe with a damp cloth to quickly feel the difference!

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