How to Make a Flourless Oatmeal and Carrot Pie – A Healthy Delight

Prepare the Oat and Yogurt Mixture
In a bowl, combine the oats and natural yogurt, allowing them to rest together for about 5 minutes. This will help soften the oats and create a creamy base.

Add the Eggs and Sweetener
Next, add the eggs and your chosen sweetener (honey or syrup) to the oat and yogurt mixture. Ensure thorough mixing to incorporate all the ingredients.

Grate the Carrots
Finely grate the carrots and add them to the mixture. Carrots bring a natural sweetness and a pop of color to the pie.

Peel and Grate the Apples
Peel and grate the apples, then add them to the mixture. Apples contribute moisture and a fruity flavor to our pie.

Pour the Mixture into a Mold
Grease a pie mold or line it with parchment paper. Pour the prepared mixture into the mold, spreading it evenly.

Decorate with Walnuts

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