How to grow rosemary in a pot starting from a sprig or seeds

Obtain cuttings of about 8 centimeters in length, preferably cut in early summer. Choose healthy, green pieces, preferably from a thriving plant.

Fill a pot with all-purpose potting soil, but add a few rocks to improve drainage. Good drainage, which prevents water stagnation, is very important for rosemary.

Place the rosemary pot in a well-lit place throughout the day. It can be placed both inside the house and outside: it is a plant that easily adapts to all contexts, but it is important that it receives the right amount of light.

Water rosemary only when its soil is completely dry. During the warmer months you can increase the frequency of watering, but it is essential to avoid water stagnation which can cause the roots to rot.

The plant will take a few months before growing and becoming lush. To use it, just cut sprigs of about 7-8 cm in length, starting from the tips of the stems and making sure to leave some needles on the base of the sprig remaining on the plant.

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