How to Find the Lost Treasure in Lemon Seeds

Lemons have a unique flavor and can be used in a lot of different ways in cooking and around the house. Not only are they high in vitamin C, but they also help your body digest food and get rid of gas. Lemons are now widely available in the Mediterranean after being brought there by trade routes from Asian countries.

Most people have lemon peels and seeds in their kitchens. People season food with lemon peels, make sauces with them, and add flavor to desserts with them. What about the seeds, though? We already use the juice, pulp, and zest, so why throw them away? Let’s use these easy tips to help them reach their full potential.

How to Grow Your Own Lemon Tree
When you’re done with a lemon, put the seeds aside and use a sieve to clean them well with room-temperature water. Put them on a paper towel to dry all the way through. With tweezers, carefully peel off the seeds’ top layer of skin, just like you would with a banana.

Next, put wet cotton into a small container, like a yogurt pot. Put the seed in the cotton and wait at least a week. You’ll see a small shoot grow from the seed after about seven days.

Keep the cotton and the area around it moist to help it grow more. Move the seed to a small pot filled with a mix of soil and perlite once the shoot starts to grow tiny roots. Put the pot somewhere warm and bright that isn’t drafty.

If you water it regularly and wait a little while, you’ll have your own lemon tree that will bear tasty fruits when it’s fully grown. It’s fun and a great way to use up those lemon seeds you’ve been throwing away.

A natural scent for your home

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