How to clean the oven without wasting time or effort: this is the only way it will shine

The first method is to try to keep the oven as clean as possible, even through superficial cleaning.

After use , you must immediately prevent incrustations and excessive dirt and odor formation in order to avoid even greater cleaning effort.

Many modern ovens are equipped with self-cleaning functions such as the hydrolysis function. Therefore, after using the oven, simply fill water into the cavity on the bottom of the oven and turn it on as directed in the instructions.

Clean oven

This prevents buildup and odors, which is always good news for those who use the oven often.

To clean the oven, you will also need a sponge to remove crusts , a small spatula to reach all corners, and a microfiber cloth to rinse and clean the glass oven door.

Then you need the detergent, although it is up to you whether you use a commercial product or a natural product.

Use water and vinegar or bicarbonate of soda to soften crusts
To avoid having to use too much elbow grease to clean the oven, you can try to soften the incrustations .

How? Boil a pot of water after throwing in a glass of vinegar. Place it in the turned off oven after heating it to at least 150 degrees .

Allow the fumes to act for at least an hour and then, once cooled, proceed to cleaning the oven with the sponge and the water and vinegar solution.

Oven clean and shiny

To clean the oven without using chemicals, use baking soda . Dissolve two tablespoons in half a liter of water and wash the inside of the oven with a sponge soaked in the solution.

If you want a deeper clean or have set-in grease stains, make a paste of baking soda and rub it into the stains with a sponge . Rinse with water and let dry.

The best way to clean the oven

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