How to clean a dirty toilet and get rid of urine smell in the sofa, mattress and bathroom

Encountering a dirty toilet bowl with lingering odors can be frustrating. To tackle this, you’ll need a cup of white vinegar and an equal amount of baking soda. Start by scrubbing the bowl with vinegar using a toilet brush. Then, mix the baking soda with the vinegar in a pan, allowing it to fizz up. Apply this mixture to the toilet, close the lid, and wait for 5 minutes before flushing. Voila! A sparkling clean toilet.

When Standard Cleaning Isn’t Enough:
For toilets that have been neglected for a long time, a stronger approach is needed. Prepare yourself with borax, a potent abrasive, along with baking soda. Remember to wear goggles and gloves for safety, especially around children. First, pour a cup of white vinegar into the bowl and let it sit for 20 minutes with the lid closed. Scrub with a brush, then add 4 tablespoons of borax and wait another 15 minutes. Finish by pouring a liter of hot water into the bowl and cleaning off the residue.

Cleaning a Dirty Vase:

To clean a stained vase, mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon each of vinegar, cooking alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide (volume 10). Apply this mixture to the vase and let it sit for a few minutes before adding water and wiping with a cloth. If stains persist, use a dampened pumice stone gently to avoid scratches.

Removing Odors from Sofas and Mattresses:

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