In Naples many things are sacred Maradona, Mama’s cooking, but sacred in name is in fact the sfogliatella Santarosa, from which the current and very famous Neapolitan sfogliatella originates.

And why is this dessert considered more sacred than all the others?

Well that’s quickly said!

The sfogliatella was born in a convent of cloistered nuns (which is why they are also called “monachine”) on the beautiful Amalfi Coast, between Furore and Conca dei Marini.


For the shortcrust pastry ( Pasta Frolla):

2 cups of lard
2+1/2 sugar
1/4 cup of water
1+1/4 tbsp of orange honey
10 cups of all purpose flour
1+1/2 tsp of baking soda.

For the filling:

4 cups of milk
3/4 cups of semolina flour
1+1/2 cup of sugar
8 whole eggs
3+1/4 cup of ricotta cheese
2 cups of candied orange
1/4 cup of Strega liqueur
Crema Pasticcera- Custard (to garnish)
candied black cherries (to garnish)
powdered sugar to taste.

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