Honey, lemon juice, onion, garlic, and grated ginger!

Boil the black pepper and ginger in water.
Let the mixture cool, then simmer for 3 minutes and sweeten with honey.

Take this solution as needed to relieve your symptoms.
Recommended Dosage:

For optimal benefits, drink 3 to 4 cups of the solution daily.
If your symptoms are milder, one cup on an empty stomach may suffice.
Natural Cure for Flu and Colds


Chopped or crushed fresh garlic
Chopped fresh onion
Freshly grated ginger root
Freshly grated horseradish
Freshly chopped or sliced cayenne pepper with seeds

Mix all the ingredients until smooth.
Transfer the mixture to an airtight glass jar and shake it every day for two weeks.
After two weeks, strain the mixture to extract the usable liquid.

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