Homemade Mouse Repellent Spray

In a blender, put all the ingredients and blend for a few minutes until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
We put the mixture in a jar and let it rest covered for 1 day.
After time, we strain the mixture and put the liquid in a sprayer.
We spray everywhere in the house, especially in places where we know they will happen. Be careful with carpets and furniture, as it can stain them.
In this way, we obtain a homemade mouse repellent spray without spending more!

7. Dryer sheets

These dryer sheets (or also called dryer sheets) have a particular smell that mice absolutely hate. We simply have to put these wipes in places where mice can enter. We have to change these wipes once every 2 weeks.

8. Mothballs
Another type of smell that these types of rodents cannot stand is the smell given off by mothballs. They are very effective, but dangerous if you have pets and/or children in the home, since they are toxic if ingested.

9. Adopt or buy a cat

Cats instinctively hunt any animal that moves. When being in your house, our pet gives off odors and hair that the mice easily detect and leave the place as quickly as possible.

In this way, we will effectively scare away these small rodents without harming them.

10. The tomato and spiral method

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