Ham & Cheese Sliders

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I love making these when friends are over, and they never last long!

Oh, my darlings, you’re in for a heartfelt treat. As the corn sways gently in the breeze outside my kitchen window, I’m reminded of the countless family gatherings where love was passed around as abundantly as the dishes we shared. One such delight, the humble yet deeply comforting Slow Cooker Ham & Cheese Sliders, has a special place on our laden tables. These little bundles of joy have their roots in the simplicity of Midwestern hospitality, where every meal is an opportunity to express our affection and kinship through the warmth of shared food. And why might one want to make them? Well, whether it’s a Sunday get-together, a potluck, or just a way to warm the hearts and bellies of your loved ones, these slow cooker sliders are a surefire way to bring smiles and contented sighs to your table.
You’ll want something crisp and refreshing to balance the richness of the cheese and ham. A nice coleslaw or a garden fresh salad would do just fine. And for those who fancy a little extra, a pickle or two on the side wouldn’t go amiss. But, to be honest, these sliders have been known to hold their own without much fuss on the side.

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