Do you ever do things that are completely and utterly ridiculous, and then look at whatever you made and crack up a little bit? That’s how I feel about these Halloween monster donuts. Because let’s face it – They are ridiculously AWESOME! It was one of those days where my husband came home from work, raised his eyebrows and said “That’s what you did today?!?” (Yup! I love being a blogger!)

And the best part is that they only took 5 minutes to put together. I mean, I guess you could bake the donuts from scratch if you wanted, but that’s not my style. Store bought donuts, check! Fangs, check! M&M’s, check!

While we were walking home from school, I said in a really excited voice “Guess what girls!? I made MONSTER DONUTS today!!” And they were all Ooooh’s and Ahhhh’s even though they didn’t know what I was talking about. They were excited that they got to have donuts as an after school snack as it was, but when they got home and saw those fangs, their eyes lit up.
I guess I’ve sheltered them from the world of artificial vampire fangs, because this was a new thing for them. They pulled the teeth out of the donuts, and popped them right in their owns mouths. Since they are only 6 and 4 years old, they learned the valuable lesson that you can’t eat donuts while wearing vampire fangs. True story.

These Halloween monster donuts are an AWESOME treat idea! They take less than five minutes to make and will most likely make someone laugh... or freak them out. But I think I'd be happy with either one of those outcomes!

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