Grandma’s trick to keep tomatoes fresh for several days

As we all know, when tomatoes are still on the vine, they remain ripe for a long time. However, after harvest it begins to deteriorate.

Let us keep in mind that the area near the stem of the tomato is prone to the invasion of microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria, which can accelerate its decomposition.

The trick with adhesive tape:
Therefore, the trick to avoid the action of these microorganisms and preserve the tomatoes is to apply adhesive tape in this area.

Although it may sound unusual and even overly simple, this method decreases airflow around the stem.
In this way, it helps to reduce the proliferation of microorganisms responsible for the putrefaction and decomposition of the fruit.
By incorporating this technique, it is possible to more effectively preserve both the freshness and flavor of the tomatoes.
Any type of tape will work, but it is essential to remember to remove and wash the tomatoes before consuming them.
Where to keep them? Inside or outside the refrigerator?
Unlike usual, tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, that is, in a pantry or fruit bowl on the kitchen table.

It is never advisable to store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Although cold can prolong the shelf life of some foods, it can also alter their characteristics in undesirable ways, which is especially harmful in the case of tomatoes.
When tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator, they may lose their juicy texture and deep red color. In addition, it can lead to a decrease in the nutrients present, such as antioxidants.
The refrigerator or freezer should only be considered for tomatoes that are already very ripe and about to go bad, allowing them to gain a few more days of freshness. However, under these conditions, tomatoes are more suitable to be used in tomato sauce.
Additionally, it is NOT recommended to store tomatoes in plastic bags, as this can accelerate the spoilage process by preventing them from “breathing.”
If possible, an even better practice is to place the tomatoes upside down, creating a sort of “barrier” on the stem of the fruit.

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