Grandma’s Secret: 10-Minute Homemade Cheese with Vinegar and Milk

Prepare Your Ingredients: Measure out your milk and vinegar before you begin. This recipe moves quickly once started, so having everything ready is key.

Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into a large pot and slowly heat it on the stove over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom of the pot. You want to heat it to just before boiling, around 190°F if you’re using a thermometer.

Add the Magic Ingredient: Once the milk is hot enough, remove it from the heat and gently stir in the white vinegar. You’ll see the milk start to curdle almost immediately as the acid in the vinegar reacts with the milk.

Let It Rest: Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes. During this time, the curds (the solid parts) will separate from the whey (the liquid).

Strain and Press: Line a colander with a clean cheesecloth or a fine linen towel and pour the mixture through to catch the curds. Gently press the curds to remove excess whey, shaping your cheese.

Season and Enjoy: Transfer the cheese from the cloth to a plate. You can add a bit of salt, herbs, or spices to flavor your cheese. It’s ready to enjoy immediately!

The Joy of Sharing
Just like my grandma used to say, the best part of cooking is sharing it with others. This homemade cheese, with its soft texture and mild flavor, is perfect for spreading on crackers, stirring into pasta, or simply enjoying on a slice of fresh bread. It brings a piece of Italian tradition to your table, inviting stories and memories to flow as freely as the wine that pairs so beautifully with it.

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