Ginger beer recipe: natural, tasty and with therapeutic properties

200 g ground ginger
450 ml mineral water
225 g sugar (or organic honey as a substitute)
115 ml sparkling water
A few drops of lemon juice
Lemon slices for garnish

Cook the Ginger:

Boil half a liter of water and add the ground ginger.
Let it cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
After cooking, let it rest for 20 minutes, then filter to separate the ginger from the water.
Make Syrup:

In a separate container, dissolve the sugar (or honey) in mineral water (the water you used to cook the ginger) to create a syrup.
Mix Ingredients:

Combine half a glass of ginger juice with two glasses of syrup and half a glass of mineral water.
Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture.
Chill and Serve:

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