Shredded, sweetened coconut, 1 1/2 to 2 cups

-Separate the eggs. Discard the egg whites or save them for another use.
– Combine condensed milk, egg yolks and sugar in a heavy medium saucepan. Add the sugar and beat until well blended.
– Add butter.-Heat over medium heat, stirring almost constantly, until the mixture slowly boils. Continue cooking until it begins to thicken. Remove from heat and let cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
– Add nuts.
– Add coconut.- Mix everything together and add more coconut or nuts as needed until you get a nice, thick mixture.
– Pour about half onto the first cake layer and spread around the edges. Strips of aluminum foil under the edges of the cake keep the plate clean.
– Add the second cake layer and press down very lightly.
– Spread the rest of the icing on the top layer.It’s impossible to make the sides and it doesn’t matter. That’s why this cake is so easy to make!

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