Everyone licked these guys during a recent potluck given by my Amish acquaintance!

Though they taste great on their own, these fritters like company. For a real Midwestern flare, pair them with a strong stew, savor as an appetizer with a dollop of sour cream cream, or go with a crisp green salad or gently simmered baked beans. Remember also a cool drink of lemonade or iced tea to finish the experience.

The Recipe for Amish Onion Fritters

There are around ten to twelve fritters in a serving.


Two big sweet onions, finely cut

one cup all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

One teaspoon salt.

1/2 teaspoon black pepper pepper

One fourth teaspoon paprika, optional for a smokey taste

One huge egg

Three quarters a cup of milk

Fryable vegetable oil


In a large basin mix flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, and paprika.

Beat the egg gently in a separate dish then stir in the milk.

Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture until you have a soft batter.

Fold in the thinly sliced onions so that they are uniformly covered.

In a skillet set 365°F, heat approximately half an inch of oil.

Spoon batter into oil, shape as desired, and cook until golden brown—about two to three minutes on each side.

Drain the fritters onto paper towels.

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