Easy-to-prepare crusty homemade bread, especially to accompany tea!

500 gr. of wheat flour
1 tbsp. of sugar
8 gr. of baking powder
1 cup of warm water
1 cup of warm milk
90 ml. of vegetable oil
1 egg
100 gr. Of flour
150 gr. grated cheese
Sesame (optional)
Preparation of crusty homemade bread
To begin, we add the cup of warm water and the cup of warm milk, the tablespoon of sugar and the yeast to a bowl, mix all the ingredients well. We cover the bowl with a towel and let it rest for about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, we separate the yolk from the egg. We can do it with the help of a strainer to facilitate this method.
Next step, uncover the bowl, mix and add the vegetable oil. We continue mixing and we are going to add the flour, sifting it with a large strainer.
We continue mixing with a wooden spoon and sift the 100 gr. remaining flour to give it a soft texture.
Then, we remove it from the bowl and begin to knead until it forms a soft ball. smooth and homogeneous.
Once we achieve a moderately soft dough, we proceed to oil a bowl and place the bun, we also cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 30 minutes in a warm place.
After the time passes, we uncover it and the dough will have doubled, which we are going to knead a little more and divide it in the middle to start working with the breads.
We knead both parts of the bun and while we let one rest, we begin to stretch the other with a kneading stick to the size of an oven tray.

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